During these unprecedented times the way we live has been altered. For now, shopping trips, movies, concerts and even dining out are on hold. Our usual indoor activities are shifting outdoors as we look for things to do besides watch TV and bake. And that’s not such a bad thing!
Spending time outside is linked to good health and wellbeing. Just being outside is associated with a wealth of both positive physical and mental health benefits.
More Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is not uncommon. Our bodies produce the vitamin D we need as we soak up the sunshine. If you don’t spend enough time outdoors, you’ll most likely be lacking this important chemical. Just 15 minutes a day of unprotected time in the sun is all that’s needed to incur the health benefits of being outdoors. Vitamin D is good for our bone and cell growth, it helps strengthen our immune functions, and helps reduce inflammation.
Reduce Anxiety
Anxieties are running high as we deal with the worries associated with the Coronavirus. Taking a walk outside can help. Time outdoors in nature can help to reduce anxiety and bring out feelings of calmness. Walking outside is also linked to lower levels of depression and overall feelings of positivity. That’s good news for your mental health and stress levels.
Stronger Immunity
Being outdoors can improve your body’s immunity and decrease illness in a lot of ways. Spending more time outside can help you fight viruses and diseases. You’ll be less likely to be infected with a cold or flu virus when breathing in fresh air. It also decreases the likelihood of suffering from osteoporosis and dementia.
Better Sleep
Research suggests that spending too much time indoors can affect our natural rhythms, disrupting our sleep patterns. Routine exposure to sunlight in the mornings will help to correct your sleep cycle and give you a better evening’s rest.
Increased Self-Esteem
Going outside and exercising is known to give a boost to self-esteem. Just spending five minutes outside a day will elevate your mood and improve self-image.
Getting outside during the pandemic is positive and healthy way to spend your extra free time, and a habit worth keeping even after life has returned to “normal.” Exercise outside, participate in outdoor recreational activities, dine in the backyard or even sunbathe to soak up all the health and wellness nature has to offer.